*****UPDATE: Click here to read the November 2012 ruling from the Florida Board of Medicine determination that "probable cause did not exist"*****

This timeline contains many events that are directly related to the precautionary suspension and ultimate refusal to reinstate Dr. Dinsmore at Helen Ellis Memorial Hospital (now Florida Hospital North Pinellas). It also contains many events that, taken alone, seem relatively insignificant. In fact, some of these may actually be meaningless. The timing, however, requires such events to be evaluated as to their place within the larger picture, which is this:

Dr. Dinsmore is a good doctor, who is also a decent person, who truly cares about her patients and the people of this community, who delivered almost 60% of the obstetric patients at HEMH during her first year, with good outcomes, who conservatively follows ABOG guidelines, and who has an admirably low rate of cesarean section deliveries.

  • What was the motivation to drive her out of the community, and potentially out of any medical practice?
  • Who was so motivated?
  • When did the planning for this begin?
  • How can it be justified that she is denied the ability to continue providing care to patients who want and need her?

The full timeline is available here , along with a number of questions that must be asked to put these events into perspective, concluding with:

  • Did the other physicians really intend to be complicit with this sham peer review?
  • Or, were the other physicians actually intimidated by a few powerful individuals, and fearful that the same fate could befall them if they refused to conform?
  • Or, did the other physicians simply take the case presented at its face value without applying due diligence of their own -- a case of merely being gullible and allowing themselves to be used, and thereby failing not only one of their own, but also an entire community?
  • Most importantly… Will these other physicians have the courage to remedy this situation with integrity, or choose to ignore logic and continue to hide from the sunshine of public scrutiny?​ 

Footnote:   "Midwife A" in the timeline is Gaye  Ficarotta CRNM who is currently employed at the practice of Dr. Trent Williams, Dr Joshua Goldman, and Dr. Jennifer Watson "Group ABC" of Women's Care Florida.
